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Feb 3, 2024
Response of landowners to the offerred Agreement.

Jan 19, 2024
City offers this Land Use Agreement to abutting landowners.

Jun 28, 2023
Summary of Eminent Domain Statues

Mar 10, 2020
To resolve Old Town land dispute, talk first and save legal proceedings for later.

Mar 28, 2019
Calculation of Lot Values.

Nov 11, 2019
Cover letter to Court regarding the Public Notice. Lawyer claims "No defendant came forward to challenge the taking..." and that any other defendants are "...unknown and believed to be ficticious". This is strange talk.

April 17, 2017
Local homeowners petition to City Council to support transfer of land to landowner Mitchell.

March 30, 2017
Article in Penobscot Times.

March 15, 2017
Offer from City to Mitchell for letter to allow use of land.

The Secretary of State informs us that the last deeded owner of the property, Union Land Company, ceased activity in Maine in 1930. Presumably, they were a victim of the financial upheaval of the Great Depression. The land that now makes up Lot 189 was never sold.

Union Land Company was active in selling off plots of the southern part of French Island. This index from Pebobscot Registry shows Union Land Company sold eight lots between 1903 and 1907. Eventually, all the lots were sold before Union Land Company ceased operations.

This is the original deed for the land south of Bodwell Street on French Island. It is hard to read, and it is the middle page of a three page deed. It is understandable that this is why the City was given the advice that there was no deed for Lot 189. But there is a deed and it is here: Book 682, Pages 184-186.